Saturday, August 16, 2008


Hey kids. Well, Follow the Hawk is live. If you didn't get a copy at the EVER EXPANDING PIZZA BIG BANG, then shoot me a line and I'll give you one. The next one I make will cost you though. Behold the latest donkeybutter:

Here's a link to a dude hating on Gary Panter. COMEDY!!

So the video below was something I used to catch on public access in San Antonio, where I was raised and reared. It was one the first videos I ever downloaded over the internet. And its back. It was so funny that I would stay up late with my old friend Tina Bloom and watch genuine broadcasts of Robert Titlton preaching and just add our own fart noises at appropriate times. Good times.

Adbusters article about hipsters. Heh. So what's hipper than adbusters writing an article shitting on hipsters? Its like a snake eating its own tail, man.

PHILIP GUSTON IS GOD. No link, just, it's true.

So, Afterall magazine hosts free underground sci-fi movies on the roof of a hotel downtown? One flick is aparently directed by Joan Jonas? Who wants in on that?

Have you been reading Seki City LA?

And for you're amusement, some pics of Where The Magic Happens

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